Thursday, January 24, 2008

Archives in Ukraine

The network of State archives under the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine includes some 680 institutions. Among them, there are:

Seven Central State Archives of Ukraine;
Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping;
Reference Library of Central State Archives of Ukraine;
State Service for Documents Preservation;
State Archives in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
Twenty four State Oblast Archives;
State Archives of Kyiv and Sebastopol;
487 archival departments of district (local) state administrations;
159 municipal archives.
The archival system of Ukraine employs more than 3,000 archivists and other staff members. Archival institutions under the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine; preserve more than 55 million files (units, or sprav), 74,000 video documents, more than 1 million photo documents, 30,000 audio documents and 613,000 items of scientific and technical documentation, all included in the National Archival Fond.

State Committee on Archives of Ukraine [Derzhavnyi komitet arkhiviv Ukrainy] 24 Solomianska st., 03110 Kyiv Tel: +38 (044) 275-27-77, 275-26-66 Fax: +38 (044) 275-36-55 E-mail: web: Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00

Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping 24 Solomianska st., 03110 Kyiv Tel.: (044) 275-53-82 E-mail:

Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady i upravlinnia Ukrainy] 24 Solomianska st., 03110 Kyiv Tel: (044) 275-36-66 Fax: (044) 275-12-55 E-mail: Working hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:30-16:30; Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday, 8:30-19:00 Saturday: 9:00-16:00

Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv hromadskykh ob'iednan Ukrainy] 8 Kutuzova st., 01011 Kyiv Tel: (044) 295-55-32 Fax: (044) 295-73-51 E-mail: Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:30

The Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychny [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi kinofotofonoarkhiv Ukrainy im. H.S.Pshenychnoho] 24 Solomianska st., 03110 Kyiv Tel/Fax: (044) 275-37-37 E-mail: Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30-17:00

Central State Archives and Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv-muzei literatury i mystetstva Ukrainy] 22a Volodymyrska st., 01601, Kyiv Tel/Fax: (044) 228-44-81 Working hours: Tuesday: 12:00-20:00; Wednesday-Saturday, 10:00-17:00

Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Kyiv] 24 Solomianska st., 03110 Kyiv Tel/Fax: (044) 275-30-02 E-mail: Working hours: Monday-Thursday-Saturday, 9:15-17:00; Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday, 9:15-19:00

State Archives of Odesa Oblast [Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti] 18 Zhukovskoho st., 65001 Odesa Tel: (0482) 22-80-25, 25-12-19, 25-09-10; Fax: (0482) 22-80-25 E-mail: website:>Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00

Central State Scientific and Technical Archives of Ukraine [Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi naukovo-tekhnichnyi archiv Ukrainy] Universytetska st., 4 61003, Kharkiv Tel.: (057) 731-25-67 Fax: (057) 731-34-34 Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00

State Archives of Kharkiv Oblast [Derzhavnyi arkhiv Kharkivskoi oblasti] Moskovskyi Prospekt, 7 61003, Kharkiv Tel/Fax: (0572) 12-66-43, 12-65-15 E-mail: Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00-17:00

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